Mount Tapulao, known among hikers as the "Die Hike," is infamous for its grueling challenges. Spanning a 32-km back trail, it is the tallest peak in Central Luzon and a magnet for thrill-seekers and adventurers. The rocky and muddy path proves challenging even for seasoned climbers. I admit I didn’t do much research before this hike, aside from knowing it was the highest mountain in Central Luzon. I chose it partly because the cooler climate was more appealing compared to the typically scorching open trails of Zambales.
I managed to summit the peak during this day hike, but descending proved to be a different story. I slipped multiple times on the rain-soaked, clay-like soil, losing my balance again and again. Thankfully, our guide, Norly Nening, was there to assist us, ensuring we safely navigated our way down this formidable mountain.
One of the things I love about hiking is meeting new people and hearing their unique life stories. Norly Nening, our guide, has been leading hikers for over two decades. Like the Sherpas of Mount Everest, he knows Mount Tapulao like the back of his hand. Despite being in his early 50s and having a seemingly frail physique, he was among the fittest mountain guides I’ve ever encountered.
During our hike, he shared stories about his family, speaking proudly of his daughter, now a licensed teacher, and his son, who is about to graduate with a degree in Criminology. Norly balances his roles as a farmer and weekend mountain guide to provide a brighter future for his children. Yet, despite these achievements, he plans to continue working rather than retire, as he doesn’t want to become a burden to his family. His dedication and resilience are truly admirable. Tatay Norly has summited Mount Tapulao hundreds of times, yet he continues to carry on with strength and grace.
I completed the rocky trail of Tapulao under a starlit sky, exhausted but fulfilled. I hope to return one day for an overnight hike instead of another "Die Hike." Maybe I’ll meet Tatay Norly again and share another adventure.
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